- Water pressure from our water tap is usually at 2-5 bar. However, in order to achieve the PN 16 rating, our fittings need to be tested at 48 bar for 1 hour without leakage. (Note : 1 bar = 14.5 psi)
Quality Control

Up to 48 bar
under Internal Pressure Test
Up to 48 bar
under Bending Test
Up to 10,000 N
under Tensile Test
- Original form of PP resin is in GRANULAR shape, while recycled/reworked PP materials are in PELLET form. Fittings used for pressurized water are not advisable to be made by recycled materials.
- BS 5114 standard requires up to 3 times of nominated pressure for IPT (Internal Hydrostatic Pressure Testing) and Bending Test.
- PP Compression Fittings in black which contain Carbon Black are the best choice of Compression Fittings for long-term use under direct sunlight and UV exposure condition.
- PP Compression Fittings are very SAFE to be used for drinking water pipeline as it does not require any adhesive or chemical solvent in the installation.
Lot 1557, Kampung Jaya Industrial Area, Jalan Kusta, 47000 Sungai Buloh,
Selangor Darul
Ehsan, Malaysia.
Tel : +603
– 6140 3000 (Hunting)
Fax : +603 – 6140 3300/3030/3003
Email : info[at]kindraco.com.my
Domestic Retail Market :
Michael Teh (Domestic Sales Manager)
Email : info[at]kindraco.com.my
International Market :
Syamer Husni (Export Manager)
Email : syamer[at]kindraco.com.my